Tuesday, December 29, 2009

God Bless Texas!

Coming into Texas, straight roads and land for hundreds of miles are the only thing around. Granted, I'm only traveling the pan handle so it's not that good of a perception of Texas. After awhile, I started to see cracks in the land that looked like miniature grand canyons. The earth moves so often out here that earthquakes and sink holes have scattered the land. This made for some interesting scenery.

I was quite surprised to find snow in Texas as well. Apparently, I was far enough north for it to make a difference. As I got closet to Amarillo and the day was coming to a close, the skies opened up from the overcast and showed me one of the most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen. The moisture from the snowfall created a miniature rainbow that I followed towards my destination. Traveling with the sun also makes the day longer and I got to enjoy it longer than most.

Once reaching Amarillo for dinner, I found it to be a trucker town for people to just pass through. I almost felt sorry for the people who live here day in and day out. I decided to get to know some locals and had more fun than I expected. It put me a little behind schedule, but was well worth it to know I have friends in Amarillo and to know Texas isn't so bad. Shout out to Zoe, Sarah and Tiffany! Thanks for the great time and I'll look you up if I'm ever in Amarillo again.

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Location:Amarillo, TX

Where the wind comes sweeping down the plains...

You know those movies where people decide to stay in a random motel on the side of an empty road in the middle of nowhere? I was in one last night. The creepy silence of the area with nothing around for miles added to the door that stays open by itself and the classic key wasn't helping

I survived the night, but I'm pretty sure someone has died at that motel. I felt a presence in the morning that was somehow glad I was there. He seemed very lonely. Eagar to get on the road, I set out for Oklahoma City. Along the way, we found Checotah, OK! Charles loves Carrie Underwood and made me stop to take a picture.

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Location:Industrial Blvd,El Reno,United States