Thursday, December 31, 2009

Grand Canyon equals grand problems.

As I was leaving Flagstaff, I ran into two girls packing their hitched vehicle as well. I saw Ohio plates, so I asked where they were headed. They're sisters and one of them is an OSU senior and is moving to LA for an internship. I shared my story and we all had breakfast together at the hotel. Now I have another person I know in LA. And since her internship is unpaid, shell be waitressing at the Ruths Chris in Beverly Hills. Woo woo!

The roads were pretty clear west of Flagstaff and the storm was long gone. I was hoping the grand canyon would be clear considering I've never seen it with snow before. As I got closer to the park, the snow never lightened up. The roads were still clear so I continued toward the big hole in the earth. Of course after I pay to get into the park the roads are covered with packed snow. I had a little trouble making it up one hill. I finally reach the parking lot and as I turn in the trailer jack knifes and the rear of my car gets slammed into a snow bank. There was already a ranger there ready to help. (someone else had done the same thing 10 minutes ago) I got on my snowboard gloves and started digging the hitch out and unhooked the trailer. I was able to get the car out on my own, but had to dig the trailer out. "This grand canyon thing better be worth it!"

It is! It makes you realize how truely small you are.

I parked in pull-through RV parking to make it easier to get out. That doesn't work to well when someone else parks in front of you. I couldn't reverse uphill with the trailer attached. I had to unhook the trailer and move it out of the way by hand. The car needed a push even after that. Once hitched up again, it took six men to push me out of the snow and back on the road with the trailer. Through all of that, I still enjoyed myself. Next time will be in the summer and without hauling anything.